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Diabetes Trailblazers

2024 WIELD Trailblazers: Women Shaping Diabetes and Metabolism Research and Care

The WIELD Advisory Board and “Elevate working group” of WIELD are proud to announce the list of Diabetes Trailblazers for 2024. These are women that have nominated by their peers and that have had a critical impact on research and/or care in the fields of diabetes, obesity, and metabolism. 

WIELD Trailblazer Criteria: We are seeking “trailblazers” that are at the top of their specialty. For academic leaders, they should be Full Professor or Professor Emeritus. To make the process a bit more objective, we’ve selected researcher trailblazers that have an H- or I-index of >60 and >150 publications.

For leaders from industry or certain subspecialties, who may not reach these quantitative research milestones, we consider more subjective criteria, such as the number of awards and/or leadership positions they have held.

The women that have made this list are at the top of their game and we are proud to highlight them!

Laura Alonso, MD

Hugh Luckey Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Chief, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Director, Joan and Sanford I. Weill Center for Metabolic Health
Weill Cornell Medicine


Expertise: Dr. Alonso studies how the pancreas regulates beta cell number, so as to find approaches to stimulate the pancreas to generate new beta cells as a therapy for diabetes. Her group hopes to use advances made in understanding mouse pancreas biology to identify and address the barriers to beta cell regeneration in the human pancreas.

Barbara Jane Anderson, PhD

Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics
Baylor College of Medicine


Expertise:  Professor Barbara J. Anderson is Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics /Psychology, Emeritus, at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX. Based on a solid, foundation in clinical care with children and teens with diabetes and their families, Dr. Anderson has built a research career focused on how family functioning and the normal developmental tasks of childhood and adolescence impact the self-management behavior, health outcomes and quality of life of children and adolescents with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and their families. 

Frances Ashcroft, PhD

Professor of Physiology
University of Oxford


Expertise: Dr. Ashcroft’s research focuses on how glucose stimulates insulin secretion, in particular the role of  ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels in health and disease, and how chronic hyperglycaemia in diabetes impairs metabolism and insulin release. 

Dorothy Becker, MD

Emerita Prof  Pediatrics
University of Pittsburgh 


Expertise: Dr. Becker had a long and excellent training in general pediatrics, clinical endocrinology and clinical and lab research and was able to take advantage of all doors that opened for her. Starting with the endocrinology of pediatric protein -calorie malnutrition, she eventually focused on glucose metabolism and insulin secretion in these patients. This gave her a firm basis of endocrinology but led her to a clinical and  research focus on diabetes, specifically focused on prediction and prevention of Type1 Diabetes and its complications.

Susan Bonner-Weir, PhD

Senior Investigator, Professor of Medicine
Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School


Expertise: Dr. Bonner-Weir’s research focus is on the pancreatic beta cell in health and diabetes across species, with emphasis their growth and function. Her goal has been to understand the mechanisms of pancreatic growth after birth in both rodents and human in order to regulate generation of new beta cells and expansion of beta cells for regenerative purposes.

Patricia Brubaker, PhD

Professor Emerita
University of Toronto


Expertise: Dr. Brubaker studies the factors that determine tissue-specific synthesis, secretion and bioactivities of regulatory peptides. In particular, they have focused on a family of peptides that are produced in the intestine, pancreas and brain, notably glucagon-like peptide-1 and glucagon-like peptide-2 that are encoded by the proglucagon gene.

Jane Buckner, MD

President, Benaroya Research Institute

Twitter (X): @BRIseattle

Expertise: Dr. Buckner is known for her research in translational immunology, combining genetics, immunology and clinical medicine to advance the understanding of the causes of autoimmune diseases. At Benaroya Research Institute, Dr. Buckner was instrumental in developing the translational immunology research program and establishing the BRI biorepository, which currently includes more than 350,000 samples from 14,000 participants. She has made significant contributions to our understanding of how human T cells are dysregulated in type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis and has been a pioneer in the development of antigen-specific regulatory T cell therapies.

Martha Campbell-Thompson, DVM, PhD

University of Florida

Twitter (X): @thompmc

Expertise: Martha Campbell-Thompson, D.V.M., Ph.D., serves as the Molecular Pathology Core Director at the University of Florida, where she earned doctorates in veterinary medicine and physiological sciences. A board-certified large animal veterinary surgeon, Dr. Campbell-Thompson transitioned into basic science research in the College of Medicine at the University of Florida after receiving her Ph.D. on studies of gastric acid secretion in conscious horses and gastric ulcer disease in young horses. She has over 20 years of experience in studies of type 1 diabetes including the histopathology of the human pancreas in conditions of health and disease.

Barbara E. Corkey, PhD

Barbara Corkey, PhD

Professor Emeritus
Boston University

Twitter (X): @bcorkey

Expertise: Dr. Corkey’s work focuses on the metabolic regulation of signal transduction and energy metabolism in fat cells, β-cells, and human fibroblasts. She and her colleagues have been studying fuel-stimulated insulin secretion by the pancreatic β-cell; fuel partitioning in rat adipocytes; cytokine signaling; and Ca2+ transients in human fibroblasts from patients with inborn errors of fatty acid oxidation and Type 1 diabetes.

Silvia Corvera, MD

UMass Chan School of Medicine


Expertise: Dr. Corvera’s work is focused on understanding the basic physiopathology of Type 2 diabetes, specifically the role of adipose tissue physiology in diabetes pathogenesis.

Linda A. DiMeglio MD, MPH

Linda DiMeglio, MD

Edwin Letzter Professor of Pediatrics
Indiana University School of Medicine

Twitter (X): @doctordimeglio

Expertise: Dr. DiMeglio’s work focuses on Type 1 diabetes prevention and treatments, including new technologies, and also in the area of therapies for metabolic bone disease.

Carmella Evans-Molina, MD, PhD

Eli Lilly Foundation Professor of Pediatric Diabetes
Director, IU Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CDMD)
Indiana University School of Medicine and the Roudebush VA Medical Center

Twitter (X): @cevansmo

Expertise: Dr. Evans-Molina’s research program is focused on defining the molecular and inflammatory etiologies of β-cell dysfunction that contribute to diabetes pathophysiology.  In basic science work, Dr. Evans-Molina studies how alterations in calcium signaling within the β cell secretory pathway are linked with impairments in insulin secretion, processing, and trafficking.  Dr. Evans-Molina’s translational and clinical projects harness knowledge gained from studying stress within the β cell to develop biomarker strategies with the goal of informing T1D screening strategies and the identification of targets for disease-modifying therapies. 


Eva Feldman, MD, PhD

James W. Albers Distinguished University Professor of Neurology
Russel N. DeJong Professor of Neurology
Director, ALS Center of Excellence at Michigan Medicine
Director, NeuroNetwork for Emerging Therapies
University of Michigan

Twitter (X): @EvaFeldmanMDPhD

Expertise: Dr. Feldman is one of the world’s leading authorities on neurodegenerative disease and has made numerous contributions to biomedical research and clinical care in many critical areas. Her primary focus has been on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), brain health, and the neurologic complications of diabetes and obesity. She also has conducted pioneering research on developing stem cell therapies to treat these diseases.

Susan K. Fried, PhD

Mount Sinai School of Medicine


Expertise: Dr. Fried has broad experience as a researcher and educator in the fields of obesity, nutrition and metabolism. Her lab conducts basic as well as collaborative translational research to understand depot- and sex- differences in human adipocyte metabolism, adipogenesis, and their hormonal regulation in health and disease.


Ruth Gimeno, PhD

Group Vice President, Diabetes, Obesity, and Cardiometabolic Research

Eli Lilly & Company


Twitter (X):  @EliLillyandCo

Expertise: Dr. Ruth Gimeno has dedicated her career to researching new therapies for diabetes, obesity and related disorders. After holding positions at Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth and Pfizer, Ruth joined Lilly in 2011 to lead Diabetes Discovery Research and expanded her responsibilities in 2016 to oversee Research and Early Clinical Development in Diabetes, Obesity and Cardiometabolic Disorders. Under Ruth’s leadership, Lilly scientists discovered and developed tirzepatide (launched as Mounjaro® for Type 2 Diabetes and Zepbound® for Obesity), and built a strong metabolic pipeline, including four molecules in Phase 3 clinical testing for diabetes (insulin efsitora), obesity & diabetes (retatrutide and orforglipron) and cardiovascular disease (lepodisiran).  Ruth is passionate about mentoring the next generation of scientists and finding new ways to bring scientific innovation to patients.  

Anna Gloyn, PhD

Professor of Pediatrics & Genetics
Stanford University

Twitter (X): @annagloyn

Expertise: Dr. Anna Gloyn is a geneticist and islet biologist.  Her work is focused on translating genetic discoveries into biological and clinical insights into islet cell dysfunction in diabetes.   She was the recipient of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Minkowski Prize in 2014 and the Outstanding Scientific Achievement Award from The American Diabetes Association (ADA) in 2022 for her research into causal mechanisms of diabetes pathogenesis. 


Sherita Golden, MD

Hugh P. McCormick Family Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 


Expertise: Dr. Golden’s epidemiological research interests focus on two areas: (1) endogenous sex hormones as risk factors for CVD, type 2 diabetes, and insulin resistance in post-menopausal women and (2) mental health complications of diabetes and the biological, hormonal, and behavioral factors that might explain these associations. Her health services research focuses on addressing diabetes health disparities and quality of care for inpatients with diabetes.

Laurie Goodyear, PhD

Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Senior Investigator
Joslin Diabetes Center


Expertise: Dr. Goodyear’s lab has made groundbreaking discoveries on the molecular mechanisms by which physical exercise has beneficial effects on health.  Her lab has done pioneering studies on skeletal muscle signaling mechanisms including work on AMPK and identification of numerous contraction-stimulated signaling networks, the beneficial effects of exercise on adipose tissue structure and function, and epigenetic mechanisms mediating the effects of maternal and paternal exercise to improve offspring metabolic health. 

Maria Grant, MD

Professor/ Eivor and Alston Callahan Chair
University of Alabama Birmingham


Expertise: Dr. Grant’s laboratory is interested in understanding the functional process of hematopoietic stem cells, and is focused on understanding how to best utilize human embryonic stem cells for vascular repair.

Carla Greenbaum, MD

Director, Center for Interventional Immunology
Benaroya Research Institute

Twitter (X): @BRIseattle

Expertise: Dr. Greenbaum’s work is focused on altering the course of type 1 diabetes through understanding the causes of disease and testing interventions to modify immune-mediated beta cell dysfunction. She has led or participated in multiple clinical trials of disease-modifying therapies sponsored by academia and industry as well as proof of mechanism clinical research studies. Her expertise includes clinical trial design and implementation as well as discovery and evaluation of biomarkers for disease course and response to therapy.

Jenny Gunton, PhD

Professor / Director of the Centre for Diabetes, Obesity and Endocrinology Research
The Westmead Institute for Medical Research, The University of Sydney

Twitter (X):

Expertise: Dr. Gunton is interested in the roles of micronutrients and transcription factors in disease. Her lab particularly focuses on  Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF) and vitamin D biology, including in various diseases including beta-cell and islet biology, diabetes, acute and chronic liver disease, muscle weakness, and obesity.

Alyssa Hasty, PhD

Vice Provost and Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Career Development
University of Texas Southwestern

Expertise: Dr. Hasty’s research career at Vanderbilt University spanned over 20 years where her group focused on immune mediated mechanisms of obesity-accelerated disease. Specifically, her group identified iron-handing macrophages as being critical for adipose tissue iron homeostasis. Additionally, they showed that memory formation in the adaptive and innate arms of the immune system contributes to impaired glucose tolerance in the context of weight cycling. Dr. Hasty is transitioning to a leadership position at UTSW in the summer of 2024.    


Willa Hsueh, MD

Professor of Medicine
Director Diabetes and Metabolism Research Center
Wexner Medical Center, The Ohio State University


Expertise: Dr. Hsueh’s research has strong translational efforts in immunometabolism as it relates to adipose tissue changes with high fat diet and effects on inflammatory driven complications such as atherosclerosis, fatty liver disease and cardiac and renal function.

Holly Ingraham, PhD

Professor of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
University of California San Francisco 

Twitter (X): @hollyingrahamSF

Expertise: Dr. Ingraham’s research focuses on the basic science of “Hormones and Nerves in Female Physiology” aimed at improving women’s health.

Barbara Kahn, MD

George R. Minot Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Vice-Chair for Research Strategy, Department of Medicine;
Former Chief, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center;
Institute Member, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center


Expertise: Dr. Kahn’s pioneering research established a critical role for the GLUT4 glucose transporter in adipocytes in regulating systemic insulin sensitivity and Type 2 diabetes risk.  Her lab discovered how glucose transporters are regulated in humans in altered metabolic states such as obesity and diabetes; defined unique molecules involved in the crosstalk between adipose tissue and other tissues involved in whole body insulin sensitivity and metabolic health; and discovered a novel class of lipids that correlate highly with insulin sensitivity in humans, and have anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory effects.  Her work may lead to new approaches to prevent or treat both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Francine R. Kaufman, MD

Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles/Senseonics


Expertise: Dr. Francine Ratner Kaufman is an American endocrinologist, professor, author, researcher, consultant, and corporate officer in the medical field of diabetes mellitus. She is the author of Diabesity: The Obesity-Diabetes Epidemic That Threatens America, and chief medical officer for Senseonics, Inc.


Lotte Bjerre Knudsen, DMSc

Chief Scientific Advisor
Novo Nordisk


Expertise: Dr. Knudsen is Chief Scientific Advisor in Research & Early Development, Novo Nordisk. She has been responsible for several inventions and publications in the GLP-1 area. Her research includes GLP-1 receptor agonist drug inventions, mechanisms for treatment of type 2 diabetes, brain pathways involved in homeostatic as well as hedonic appetite regulation, cardiovascular protection, kidney protection, and her latest research focuses on application within Alzheimer’s Disease. 


Susanne la Fleur, PhD

Amsterdam University Medical Center, University of Amsterdam

Twitter: @lafleur_susanne 

Expertise: Dr. La Fleur’s research aims to unravel the mechanistic link between diet composition and the development of obesity and diabetes as a first step towards a better understanding of the pathogenesis of Diabetes Type 2, focussing on the role of the brain. We study both the classical hypothalamic pathways but also cortico-limbic brain areas and their role in feeding behavior and glucose metabolism.

Susanne Mandrup, PhD

Professor, Center Director
University of Southern Denmark

Twitter (X): @susmandrup

Expertise: Dr. Susanne Mandrup is Director of the Center of Excellence in Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity ( and the Center of Adipocyte Signaling ( and heads the Functional Genomics and Metabolism Research Unit ( Her group focuses on understanding the transcriptional networks regulating differentiation and function of adipocytes as well as the cellular plasticity of adipose tissue and the endocrine pancreas in obesity.

Chantal Mathieu, MD, PhD

University Hospitals UZLeuven, KULeuven

Twitter: @professorcm

Expertise: Dr. Chantal’s clinical areas of interest include the organization of diabetes care and disease modifying therapies in diabetes. She is involved in several clinical trials in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Her research is focused on the prevention of T1D, effects of vitamin D on the immune system and diabetes, and functioning of the insulin-producing beta cell. She has lead and is leading several consortia and networks aiming at screening, preventing and curing T1D.

Juanita Merchant, MD, PhD

Chief of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Regents Professor of Medicine
Associate Director for Basic Science, UACC
Interim Director UA Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of  Arizona


Expertise: Dr. Juanita L. Merchant is an American gastroenterologist and physiology researcher who has contributed to understanding of gastric response to chronic inflammation.


Antoinette Moran, MD

Vice Chair of Faculty Development, Department of Pediatrics
University of Minnesota


Expertise:  Dr. Moran’s research in cystic fibrosis-related diabetes resulted in her being named the first annual recipient of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Richard C. Talamo Distinguished Clinical Achievement Award, for “research contributions that have had significant influence on the course of the disease.” She is a leader in the field of clinical trials to prevent and cure type 1 diabetes. She has done diabetes work in Africa since 2007, and has an R01 grant to improve T1D metabolic control in youth living in Uganda.


Deborah M. Muoio, Ph.D.

George Barth Geller Distinguished Professor of Cardiovascular Disease
Departments of Medicine and Pharmacology & Cancer Biology
Associate Director
Sarah W. Stedman Nutrition and Metabolism Center
Duke Molecular Physiology Institute

Twitter: @DebMuoio 

Expertise: Dr. Muoio’s laboratory investigates mechanisms of metabolic regulation, with emphasis on molecular events that link lifestyle factors such as over nutrition and physical inactivity to metabolic disorders, including obesity, diabetes, and heart failure.

Kristen Nadeau, MD, MS

Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology, Vice Chair, Clinical Translational Research, Department of Pediatrics
University of Colorado-Anschutz Medical Campus


Expertise: Dr. Nadeau’s research focuses on sex differences, such as implications of higher rates of type 2 diabetes in girls, lower rates of physical activity in girls, the impact of pubertal hormones on diabetes risk, high testosterone in girls with polycystic ovarian syndrome, higher rates of metabolic-associated steatotic liver disease in adolescent boys versus girls, higher rates of responsiveness of girls to TZD’s, and the impact of gender affirming hormone therapy in adolescents on diabetes and cardiovascular risk.

Elizabeth Parks, PhD

University of Missouri

Twitter: @ElizabethxParks

Expertise: Dr. Parks is a professor of nutrition who studies blood fats in obesity, diabetes, metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease, liver inflammation in the fasting and fed states; Non-steady state kinetics in metabolism, effects of food intake and sensory effects on absorption of lipids, and the effects of diet on the development of obesity-related disorders.

Judith Regensteiner, PhD

Distinguished Professor of Medicine
University of Colorado Denver-Anschutz Medical Campus


Expertise: Dr. Judith Regensteiner is dedicated to growing the field of women’s health research and sex differences research to promote optimal health care for all. Dr. Regensteiner’s research expertise is in the cardiovascular effects of diabetes with a specific focus on women with type 2 diabetes since they appear to have more significant sequelae than men with diabetes. Her lab has been funded for over 30 years and her more than 180 publications have influenced the field.

Jane Reusch, MD

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus


Expertise: Dr. Reusch’s lab focuses on understanding the role of chronic metabolic, oxidative and inflammatory stress of diabetes decreases resilience and homeostasis, which contributes to decreased functional capacity and diabetic complications. 

Maike Sander, MD

Scientific Director and Group Leader
Max Delbruck Center, Berlin


Expertise: The goal of Dr. Sander’s research is to understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie the formation and function of pancreatic insulin-producing beta cells, which are affected in diabetes. Her research leverages a human stem cell-based organoid model of pancreatic islets to identify causes of diabetes and develop innovative therapies.

Jean Schaffer, MD

Joslin Diabetes Center


Expertise:  Dr. Schaffer’s research focuses on metabolic regulation and complications of diabetes. Her work has elucidated the ways in which high levels of sugars and fats in the bloodstream damage tissues of many organs, and her laboratory has developed models for study of the connections between diabetes and heart disease. She has used bold strategies and innovative approaches to discover links between metabolic regulation, small nucleolar RNAs, and mRNA translation. These discoveries have potential for development of novel strategies for improving the health of persons affected by diabetes.

Elizabeth R. Seaquist, MD

Professor of Medicine
University of Minnesota


Expertise: Dr. Seaquist is interested in hypoglycemia and the complications of diabetes. Her research focuses on the effect of diabetes on brain metabolism, structure, and function.

Hei Sook Sul, PhD

University of California, Berkeley


Expertise: Dr. Sook Sul’s expertise is focused on the molecular and cellular biology of adipose tissue development, brown fat formation and browning of white fat, factors critical for thermogenesis, soluble factors and their receptors that prevent precursor cell differentiation into adipocytes and expansion of adipose tissue. She is interested in teh critical enzymes that regulate lipogenesis and lipolysis, transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of lipogenesis and lipolysis in response to insulin/feeding. 

Jacqueline M Stephens, PhD

Louisiana State University/Pennington Biomedical Research Center

Twitter (X):  @jackie_science

Expertise: Dr. Stephens studies adipocytes because this cell type has several functions and if any one of these function are disrupted than Type 2 Diabetes can develop. To date, one of her notable observations is that STAT5 and its target genes regulate fat cell development, and these genes play a role in insulin action, lipid metabolism and the endocrine properties of fat cells. 

Doris Stoffers, MD, PhD

Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania


Expertise: Dr. Stoffers leads a basic biomedical research group at the University of Pennsylvania that includes clinical and basic postdoctoral fellows, MD, MD-PhD and PhD graduate students, and undergraduates, all striving to understand the development, maintenance and regeneration of pancreatic islet beta cells that produce the hormone insulin so critically required for normal glucose homeostasis.  

Lori Sussel, PhD

Lori Sussel, PhD

Research Director, Barbara Davis Center
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus


Expertise: The main focus of Dr. Lori Sussel’s lab is to understand the complex transcriptional networks that regulate development, differentiation and function of the pancreas. Her work has advanced our understanding of the regulatory pathways that are essential in islet lineage specification, pancreas development, and maintenance of beta cell maturation. 

Megan Sykes, MD

Michael J. Friedlander Professor of Medicine,
Professor of Microbiology & Immunology and Professor of Surgical Sciences,
Director, Columbia Center for Translational Immunology,
Director of Research, Transplant Initiative,
Director, Bone Marrow Transplantation Research, Division of Hematology/Oncology
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Columbia University

Twitter (X): @ccti_NYC

Expertise: Dr. Sykes and her team have developed mixed hematopoietic chimerism as an approach to achieving organ and islet allograft tolerance and shown that this strategy reverses islet autoimmunity in animal models. They have pioneered methods of xenograft tolerance induction that are being extended to porcine islet transplantation. They have developed novel human immune system mouse models using bone marrow stem cells from patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, recapitulating features of the disease in patients and discovering genetically-predetermined pathways leading to this immune dysregulation. 

Yu-Hua Tseng, PhD

Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School

Twitter (X): @tsengyuhua

Expertise: Dr. Yu-Hua Tseng is an internationally distinguished scientist at the forefront of research focused on brown fat biology, energy metabolism, gene expression, signal transduction, and mitochondrial biology, and how these relate to obesity and diabetes.

Eve Van Cauter, PhD

Frederick H. Rawson Professor (Emeritus) in Medicine
University of Chicago


Expertise: Dr. Van Cauter’s group demonstrated that sleep loss, poor sleep quality and disorders of the circadian system are novel risk factors for obesity and diabetes.  The group has identified hormonal mechanisms linking insufficient and/or mistimed sleep with the dysregulation of hunger and appetite. In recent years, their research focused on the impact of obstructive sleep apnea on the risk and severity of diabetes and on the metabolic implications of circadian misalignment associated with shift work and abnormal timing of food intake.

Ruth S. Weinstock, MD PhD

SUNY Distinguished Service Professor, Division Chief
SUNY Upstate Medical University


Expertise: Dr. Weinstock’s clinical research focuses on the prevention and treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus and their complications, obesity, and on improvement in the delivery of diabetes care and reduction of disparities.  She has co-authored >300 publications, and has been PI or Co-I on >130 NIH-sponsored, not-for-profit and industry sponsored diabetes clinical studies.

Bessie A. Young-Meilcarek, MD, MPH, FACP, FASN

Professor of Medicine, Nephrology
Section Head, VA Puget Sound Health Care System
Associate Chair for Diversity and Inclusion
Director, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Center for Transformative Research
VA Puget Sound Health Care System & University of Washington Medicine


Expertise: Dr. Young studies racial and ethnic differences in diabetes and CKD, diabetic neuropathy including access to care, quality of care, progression of care, progression/survival, and other outcomes. 

Anette-Gabriele Ziegler, MD

Director of the Institute of Diabetes Research
Helmholtz Munich, German Research Center for Environmental Health


Expertise: Jointly with Helmholtz Munich and TUM, Dr. Ziegler has built one of the most renowned Study Centers for Childhood Diabetes – Early Care and Prevention. She was Speaker of the German Competence Network Diabetes Mellitus, is Speaker of the Global Platform for the Prevention of Autoimmune Diabetes, and is one of the type 1 diabetes academy heads of the German Center for Diabetes Research DZD e.V. She is one of 7 international principal investigators of the NIH funded TEDDY Consortium, and is the German representative for the NIH funded TrialNet consortium.

Juleen Zierath, PhD

Karolinska Institute/University of Copenhagen

Websites: and
Twitter (X): @JuleenRZierath

Expertise: Dr. Zierath’s research focuses on  investigating the interactions between intrinsic biorhythms and external perturbations such as exercise and nutrient provision to identify novel translational strategies for prevention and treatment of metabolic disease. Her research focuses on the cellular mechanisms that correspond to the development of insulin resistance in Type 2 diabetes and how exercise can improve energy metabolism.

Don't see your favorite trailblazer on the list?

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